Sun. May 12th, 2024

Climate Change Lies

Trump Slams Biden with Embarrassing Statement Over Latest International Trip

Former President Donald Trump released a statement Monday blasting President Joe Biden over his failures in Afghanistan and beyond, claiming world leaders are “laughing at Biden.”

The statement was released following videos of Biden apparently falling asleep during Monday’s COP26 conference in Scotland and later apologizing to world leaders over America leaving the Paris Accord, blaming Trump for “putting us behind the eight ball.”

“It is very interesting that Afghanistan, and our horrible and incompetent withdrawal, losing soldiers and leaving $Billions of military equipment, was when people really began to realize how horrible this Socialism/Communism direction for America has become,” Trump said.


“It is very interesting that Afghanistan, and our horrible and incompetent withdrawal, losing soldiers and leaving $Billions of military equipment, was when people really began to realize how horrible this Socialism/Communism direction for America has become…

— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) November 1, 2021

Is the Rumor About Biden Pooping His Pants in Rome True?

Trump also said Biden is being laughed at by world leaders during his time in Europe.

“We have never been thought of so poorly as we are right now, including the fact that the leaders of foreign countries, all of whom are at the top of their game, are laughing at Biden as he makes the rounds in Europe,” the former president said.

“So low and so bad for America,” Trump added. “There has never been a time like it!”

“There has never been a time like it!” – President Donald J. Trump

— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) November 1, 2021

Should Trump run for president in 2024?

Biden was criticized across social media after apparently falling asleep during the COP26 Climate Summit opening speeches, closing his eyes at one point for approximately 20 seconds.

Biden traveled to the United Nations climate conference on Monday to support a new legislative framework destined to become the largest in America’s history to address climate change.

Biden appears to fall asleep during COP26 opening speeches

— Zach Purser Brown (@zachjourno) November 1, 2021

Trump Finds Out About Biden’s Climate Conference Nap and Does Exactly What You’d Expect

Joe Biden falls asleep at the Climate Change Conference then one of his aides wakes him up .

— Maddashell (@Maddashell1) November 1, 2021

As the speaker said, “You are in a position of extraordinary power,” Biden’s eyes closed, with his arms folded while sitting upright in a chair among other attendees.

After the video plays for almost a full minute, an assistant appears at the president’s side to wake him with what was apparently an important message. The speech then ends with Biden and the audience applauding.

Will Appeasement of Climate Change Hysteria Invite a Popular Rejection?

The day of reckoning over the Western world’s self-destructive indulgence of the excesses of the environmental movement must now be almost at hand.

An important part of the Bidenization of America has been the frivolous discarding of America’s status as an energy self-sufficient nation after 75 years of oil imports.

As if completely deaf to the many and urgent warnings of the cost of shutting down the XL pipeline from Canada and groveling to the environmental agitators by rolling back offshore exploration and fracking, President Joe Biden and other administration spokespeople have, apparently unselfconsciously, lowered themselves to beseeching the Russians and Iranians, countries with whom the United States notoriously possesses no reservoir of goodwill, to join with the rest of OPEC in increasing oil production.

This initiative is of a piece with Secretary of State Blinken’s scolding of the Taliban regime the White House and the Pentagon helped usher into office in Afghanistan, for insufficient “diversity” in the selection of the new regime’s cabinet ministers, with John Kerry’s degrading petition of China for greater respect for the conjured dangers of climate change, and with the chairman of the joint chiefs, General Millie, volunteering from the Ruritanian vastness of his hyper-beribbonned tunic that the recent testing of Chinese and Russian hypersonic nuclear-capable missiles was “a Sputnik moment.”

Where were Millie and his colleagues, prior to their masterly performance in Afghanistan, and former Defense Secretary Mattis, when President Trump provided the Defense Department the funds to do everything it needed to assure American military superiority?

All of these reflections indicate the other-worldly preoccupations of this administration. This is the mentality that admits thousands of likely COVID carriers illegally across the southern border into the United States every day while failing to discourage Democratic civic administrations in New York and elsewhere from laying off policemen and firefighters, most of whom have a COVID immunity from having previously contracted that illness and recovered from it, for declining to be double vaccinated.

Apart from being unjust and probably illegal and absurdly inconsistent, this is a policy that inevitably accelerates the skyrocketing rates of urban violent crime in most American cities.

Self-Inflicted Wounds

But it is the saga of self-inflicted economic wounds in appeasement of climate change hysteria that most vividly illustrates the lethal toxicity of Bidenization. The spectacle of the president of the United States going cap-in-hand to the Kremlin and the ayatollahs is more demeaning than the indignities of the helicopters leaving the embassy compound in Saigon in 1975 and the seizure of the embassy hostages in Tehran in 1979.

And as the rites and antics of Bidenism accumulate, the major oil companies of the world have effectively ceased exploration, graciously introducing the eco-fairyland in Washington to the implications of supply and demand. That is, the supply of oil will decline as the demand increases and the price to ungrateful Americans increases.

If Biden imagines that the Kremlin and the ayatollahs or even our esteemed allies in Saudi Arabia (who cut the price of oil in the late Obama years in order to put a rod on the backs of the ayatollahs and in doing so saved Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia from Putin’s efforts to revive the Soviet Union), are going to palliate the violence eco-Bidenism has done to scores of millions of American households by raising gasoline and home fuel prices for the American public, he is more cognitively beset than is generally reckoned. (Ironically, the United States in the last twenty years, including the Trump term, had a brilliant record in reducing carbon emissions.)

Writing on Nov. 1, I expect the elections in Virginia on Nov. 2 will provide a sobering lesson in electoral arithmetic. This will be followed by the draconian comeuppance that the whole country is reserving for the Bidenists next year and especially in 2024. But we will have to endure these upcoming years with Job-like patience as the executive branch leads America into ever greater unnecessary energy expenses and evermore absurd “sustainable” energy boondoggles.


But there is a ray of hope that arises in mother England and in the contemporary plebiscitary spirit. It is not widely realized what an important geopolitical development Britain’s vote to depart the European Union five years ago was. And it is possible that a sequel is in the making.

The European Union was the successor to Cold War associations of European states that essentially strengthened the West in the Cold War by deepening the bonds that held Western Europe together and enabled it to resist the threats and blandishments of the Soviet bloc.

But after the Cold War ended satisfactorily, it became the pursuit of “an ever closer Europe” that would steadily aggregate into one confederal superstate that would enable Europe to reenter the world as a great power and, accordingly, a rival to the United States, rather than the meeting place of America’s principal allies.

For Great Britain, one of the worlds five or six most important countries and one of its very most distinguished nationalities, to secede from such a combination of states and resume the status that enabled it to be the principal ally of the United States in both world wars and in the Cold War, though it was not presented in this way to the British voters, was an act that reinforced America’s geopolitical position.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who led the campaign to depart Europe while maintaining cordial trade and political relations with it, all in the framework of the Western Alliance, is, inexplicably, a climate change enthusiast who in his more animated moments stops only slightly short of Biden’s parroted bunk about the “existential threat” of climate change.

But the British public, like the French “yellow jackets” who rioted and demonstrated for an entire angry year about gasoline and home heating fuel price increases due to additional taxation to combat climate change, have real reservations about Boris’s current hobby-horse.

As this is an issue on which it will be difficult to impose party discipline, as public resentment over the cost of reducing carbon emissions with higher taxes and prices becomes clearer, some are already foreseeing a British referendum on this issue, a “Climate Chexit.”

Historically, Britain is rivaled only by the United States and France as the most politically influential and widely emulated country in the world, and a British referendum on the cost of combating climate change, whatever its result, would generate substantial pressure for a similar consultation of public opinion in the United States.

Congressional and parliamentary democracies tend not to like referendums. The history of both systems favors the election of legislators to work out the precise wording of legislation and even in France the history of referendums prior to the current Fifth Republic was of rubber-stamps of questionable accuracy of the most self-serving initiatives of the emperors Napoleon I and Napoleon III.

The United States has no history of such nation-wide plebiscites but any reasonably worded question about the desirability of proceeding with the Biden administration’s $550 billion carbon suppression program triumphantly unveiled in Glasgow this week will almost certainly produce an unambiguous vote for rejection.

Since the faddists dominate the political class and the national political media, it would be a magnificent act of self-liberation for the United States to consult itself, and puncture the giant hot-air balloon of faddish and generally mindless environmentalism.

Look What Biden Was Busted Doing Ahead of Climate Summit

The Democratic Party routinely discusses the “climate crisis” it claims our country and our world are enduring. Many Democrats go so far as to say we must drastically reduce carbon emissions in order to avoid a “climate apocalypse.”

President Joe Biden has used similar lines of rhetoric. According to CNBC, Biden said last year that climate change was “the number one issue facing humanity.”

“Climate change is the existential threat to humanity,” he said in an October 2020 episode of Pod Save America. “Unchecked, it is going to actually bake this planet. This is not hyperbole. It’s real. And we have a moral obligation.”

Judging by Biden’s own actions on Friday, he does not think that obligation applies to himself.

As he took in the scenery in Rome, Biden was escorted around in a huge motorcade. According to the New York Post, it included 85 vehicles.

Biden Tries to Explain Driving Cross-Country in an Electric Car, It Goes Horribly Wrong

Multiple Twitter users noticed the length of the motorcade, and some of them pointed out the hypocrisy of Biden’s actions.

Biden arriving at the Vatican. His motorcade is lonnnnnng.

— Chico Harlan (@chicoharlan) October 29, 2021

#Decarbonize this

— Souhail Karam (@Massinissa1973) October 29, 2021

America’s Marie Antoinette class is Washington’s elites – and that shows it.

— Matt Maggio (@MaggioMatt) October 29, 2021

To make the optics even worse, Biden is supposed to arrive in Glasgow, Scotland, on Sunday for a global “climate summit,” the Los Angeles Times reported. The outlet noted the summit aims to bring world leaders together to discuss how to “prevent the most catastrophic effects of global warming.”

For a president who goes around preaching to people about how we have a “moral obligation” to address climate change, cruising around in an 85-car motorcade is not a particularly good look.

The Post reported host countries are often responsible for providing protective detail to foreign leaders, so the White House may not have been in charge of the motorcade. Even so, the optics are rather damming for Biden.

Biden Holds Basement Meeting Begging Dems for Help, But Lawmakers Walk Out Baffled

While in Rome, Biden also held a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican. The two reportedly discussed climate change, and Biden claimed the pope reassured him of his status in the Catholic Church.

“We just talked about the fact he was happy that I was a good Catholic and I should keep receiving Communion,” Biden said, according to The Associated Press.

Before the trip, Biden unveiled a $1.75 trillion plan for social and environmental spending, the Post reported. It includes $555 billion for “green-energy and anti-pollution spending.”

Should Biden practice what he preaches on climate change?

In introducing the plan, he also repeated the obligation argument, saying we have an “obligation to our children and to our grandchildren” to stop using fossil fuels. The Post noted it’s unclear whether any of the cars in his motorcade were electric, but most of them looked to be gas-powered.

If Biden truly wants to convince Americans to at least decrease their use of fossil fuels, he might want to start by looking straight into the mirror.

Pelosi Pushes Electric Vehicle Subsidies As Husband’s Tesla Stock Soars

Paul Pelosi owns up to $1 million of Tesla call options

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D., Calif.) husband hit pay dirt on Monday as Tesla’s valuation rose to $1 trillion.

The news comes as Pelosi spearheads legislation that doles out tens of billions of dollars in subsidies to the electric vehicle industry, including Tesla, with provisions to build charging stations for cars and incentivize electric car purchases through tax credits.

The financial dealings of Pelosi’s husband, Paul, came under scrutiny earlier this year when he purchased as much as $1 million of Tesla call options, one of the largest transactions of Tesla shares disclosed by a member of Congress. At the time, Republicans charged that the House speaker was cashing in on her power.

Members of Congress and their spouses are legally allowed to buy and sell stock, as long as it is not based on insider information. Members are required to disclose their transactions to the House Committee on Ethics, as Pelosi did with the Tesla transaction on Jan. 21.

Pelosi is spearheading negotiations with the White House as Democrats look to pass Joe Biden’s Build Back Better plan and a reconciliation bill that includes the electric car incentives. Tesla, a pioneer in the electric car industry, is poised to see a significant boost from the legislation, according to industry watchers.

Democrats are proposing nearly $120 billion to fund various clean energy projects, and another $34.5 billion dedicated to zero-emission vehicles. The reconciliation bill also proposes $42 billion in tax credits for purchases of electric vehicles, which Democrats hope will incentivize new car buyers to purchase electric vehicles instead of gas-powered cars. The bill offers up to $12,500 in credits for each car. It also calls for tens of billions of dollars in spending to build charging stations for electric cars across the country.

Tesla’s dramatic rise is likely attributable to several factors beyond the Democrats’ spending proposals. Tesla founder Elon Musk recently announced he is moving the company’s headquarters from California to Texas, which has no state income tax. Tesla’s cars have also gained in popularity without federal incentives.

And while Tesla and other clean energy companies stand to gain with environmentally friendly Democrats in power, the company opposes some aspects of the reconciliation proposal, such as an additional credit for the purchase of electric cars made in unionized factories. Musk has publicly opposed unionization efforts.

Pelosi’s office did not respond to requests for comment.

Climate Carveout in ‘Build Back Better’ Bill Dwarfs Department of Energy’s Yearly Budget, Clears Way for Radical Transormation

Is there global cooling?

Economists have made one fact very clear in recent weeks: The Biden administration’s claims that Democrats’ upcoming $3.5 trillion spending bill will come at no cost to everyday Americans is utterly absurd.

Nevertheless, the president himself continues to tout this massive government spending as the solution to the numerous economic problems that have developed under his own leadership.

So, how exactly is President Joe Biden’s bloated “Build Back Better” plan going to save America? What exactly is in this magic bill?

Unsurprisingly, the single largest component of the bill is the climate agenda, which sets aside a whopping $500 billion to $555 billion for “climate change mitigation,” according to a report from Axios.

The $500 billion portion of the plan dwarfs even the Department of Energy’s yearly budget which, in 2020, totaled a mere $31.7 billion, according to the department itself.

No Woke Agenda in Court: Rittenhouse Judge Says Rioters Can’t Be Called ‘Victims,’ Approves This List Instead

Speaking with Axios, Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz of Hawaii confirmed the bill’s massive size, saying, “This will be, just as a matter of fact, the biggest climate bill in human history. At least half a trillion dollars.”

A source familiar with the climate section of the bill told Axios that the following provisions would be included:

  • “New grants and loans to support industrial sector decarbonization, in addition to expanding relevant tax credits to support this goal.”
  • “Manufacturing credits to help grow domestic supply chains for solar, offshore, and onshore wind. Some of those credits will be targeted to the auto and energy communities.”
  • “Expanding access to rooftop solar and home electrification.”
  • “Expanding grants and loans to rural co-ops to boost clean energy and energy efficiency.”
  • “Expanding grants and loans in the agriculture sectors to help them shift to clean energy providers with fewer greenhouse gas emissions.”

It’s not exactly clear how any of these provisions will help the average American currently dealing with rising inflation and an escalating supply chain crisis.

Will the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion bill hurt the American people?

In fact, recent reports from across the country regarding an overreliance on green energy suggest this bill may in fact exacerbate those problems.

On Thursday, journalist and author Michael Shellenberger published a series of tweets contending that climate activists (specifically referencing Greta Thunberg) — through pressuring nations to over-invest in “unreliable weather-dependent energy sources” — have created global energy shortages that are “forcing the poor to choose between food & electricity.”

Shellenberger is well known for his criticisms of the left’s climate change agenda. In June of 2020, he published the book “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All,” in which Shellenberger argues that climate change, while very real, is not quite the existential threat politicians like Joe Biden would have you believe.

Overdependence on unreliable energies isn’t the only reason for energy shortages. Post-pandemic economic recovery resulted in higher energy demand. And too little natural gas stored on-site after a colder-than-expected winter (We are currently in a Grand Solar Minimum, by the way. [US Patriot]) played a role.

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) October 21, 2021

Cancel Halloween? Environmentalists Issue Insane 3-Part Pumpkin Warning

But the heavy investment in unreliable renewables made energy supplies more vulnerable to a single commodity’s volatility. Today’s grids mean that high gas prices cause energy price spikes and a return to the dirtiest forms of electricity production, including diesel and coal.

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) October 21, 2021

While conceding that “post-pandemic economic recovery” also contributed to a “higher energy demand,” Shellenberger added that “heavy investment in unreliable renewables made energy supplies more vulnerable to a single commodity’s volatility.”

As @jordanbpeterson says, “If you don’t understand somebody’s intentions, consider the consequences of their actions.

The consequences of Greta et al.’s actions are panic, energy shortages, and rising carbon emissions.

— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) October 21, 2021

“It’s obvious that Greta Thunberg and the Malthusian Axis doesn’t care about climate change. If they did, they wouldn’t be replacing nuclear plants with fossil fuels, and opposing the means for poor nations to adapt to it,” he wrote.

“As [psychologist Jordan Peterson] says, ‘If you don’t understand somebody’s intentions, consider the consequences of their actions.’ The consequences of Greta et al.’s actions are panic, energy shortages, and rising carbon emissions.”

As Democrats continue to move the nation away from reliable energy sources like fossil fuel and nuclear, they will continue to make this problem worse. And, in doing so, they’ll be forcing the American taxpayer to fork over hundreds of billions of dollars.

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Confronted by Climate Change Advocate at Airport

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) was confronted Monday at the airport by a woman who walked in close proximity and told the lawmaker to vote for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion climate change legislation.

The airport provocation is the second time protestors have confronted Sinema and insisted she vote in favor of President Joe Biden’s social services and climate change package. Earlier this month, Sinema was followed into a bathroom at Arizona State University by four people who wanted her to vote for immigration reform to give citizenship to illegal immigrants who were brought to the country as children.

The most recent confrontation shows Sinema walking briskly with two men, talking to one, when the climate advocate approaches her and walks closely next to her and says, “I’m from Tucson, Arizona, and I’m wondering, I know you’ve met with dozens of lobbyists—”

Sinema tells the woman, “Please don’t touch me.” Sinema then continues talking to the man next to her. The woman responds, “I did not touch you.”

The female “constituent” then continues: “I know you’re meeting with dozens of lobbyists and talking with corporate donors about the package.” The woman urges Sinema to answer her and says her family and people are suffering and she can help by voting for Biden’s climate change provisions.

Sinema has been one of two Democrat senators who has raised concerns about the spending in her party’s $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package that would broaden federal social welfare programs and mandate a move to “clean” energy to combat climate change.

Because the U.S. Senate is split evenly, with 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats, Sinema’s vote has become crucial to passing any legislation. But Sinema has been adamant that she does not want to spend trillions more, nor does she agree with the Democrat’s tax revenue plan.

For weeks, Sinema has reportedly told colleagues that she will not support an increase in the corporate or income tax rate, leaving Democrats scrambling to find new revenue schemes.

After months of no comment, Sinema’s office confirmed these reports Friday. John LaBombard, a spokesman for Sinema, said that the senator “is committed to ensuring everyday families can get ahead and that we continue creating jobs.”

“She has told her colleagues and the president that simply raising tax rates will not in any way address the challenge of tax avoidance or improve economic competitiveness,” he explained.

While the majority of Democrat senators have fallen in line with Biden’s economic agenda, Sinema and moderate Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) have said they will not vote for trillions more in spending, causing Democrats to renegotiate the cost and provisions in the final reconciliation bill.

Sinema condemned her own party for its “inexcusable” failure to hold a vote on the bipartisan infrastructure plan after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) canceled the vote, stating that “more time is needed.”

The left-wing Congressional Progressive Caucus, a bloc of nearly 100 House members, doesn’t want to pass bipartisan infrastructure without the lower chamber first passing the mammoth budget piece—now said to be some $2 trillion—but moderates say the proposals should be considered separately and have urged a vote on the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill.

Sinema was one of the Democratic senators who helped negotiate the smaller bipartisan infrastructure bill along with GOP senators and the white house during the summer.

Joseph Lord and Katabella Roberts contributed to this report.

Cancel Halloween? Environmentalists Issue Insane 3-Part Pumpkin Warning

Pumpkins are the universal sign of autumn. Beginning in September, people start purchasing pumpkins in droves to decorate their porches, tables and homes.

What would happen if suddenly everyone had to stop buying pumpkins? Can Halloween still take place without jack-o’-lanterns? Can fall still be fall without a pumpkin on your front stoop?

Environmentalists are now issuing alarming reports that your poor, unassuming pumpkins are actually dangerous to our planet. By purchasing a pumpkin, you could be bringing our planet to its knees.

The fine people at issued three warnings (or more, depending on how you read the piece) about the dangers of pumpkins. First, about the number of pumpkins bought every year. Second, about the natural resources required to cultivate pumpkins. Third, about the environmental impacts of pumpkins ending up in landfills.

On top of all that, the piece is literally titled, “Should we ‘Cancel’ Halloween to save the planet?”

‘Identifiable Harm’: Biden Kills JFK File Release, Issues Baffling Statement estimated that 82 percent of Americans plan to buy pumpkins. That means billions of pounds worth of pumpkins have to be grown each year, just for U.S. consumers.

The report said pumpkin crops require an immense amount of water: One pumpkin needs an inch per growing week, which normally lasts about 10 to 14 weeks.

Wheat requires almost the same amount of water (12 to 15 inches over 16 weeks), but no one is saying that we need to quit eating bread and stop growing it.

So pumpkin water consumption is really not that much. Almonds, avocados, sugarcane and rice are the real water-sucking crops, according to a CNN report from 2019. Pumpkins have nothing on those crops, but not many are calling for the world to stop eating them.

Besides, pumpkins have actually been proven to clean contaminated and polluted soils, particularly from DDT, a harmful insecticide. This is groundbreaking since contaminants in soil are extraordinarily difficult to remove.

“To clean up contaminated sites, it is typically necessary to excavate the soil and place it in a landfill or burn it in a high-temperature incinerator,” Science Daily reported in 2004.

So by simply increasing pumpkin crops, acres and acres of soil can be cleaned. More clean soil means more land that can be used for food and plant production. And those crops will produce more oxygen and clean the air from bacteria, chemicals and carbon dioxide.

Pumpkins actually may be saving the planet, not hurting it.

The other fault of pumpkins, however, lies in their decomposition. Any food that is simply tossed in the trash and not composted will produce methane. And reported that 25 percent of pumpkins will end up in landfills.

As William Shatner Breaks Record by Traveling Into Space, Fellow Actors Blast Him for Woke Reasons

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food is the number one thing in landfills, and landfills are the third-largest cause of human-related methane emissions.

Pumpkins, just like any other food tossed in the garbage, will therefore add to methane emissions. It’s estimated that about a quarter of pumpkin buyers will likely just throw their rotting pumpkins in the bin, rather than compost them or use them for feed.

While it is unfortunate that the favored fall vegetable emits methane, is it even worthy of recognition when there are herds of animals producing exponentially more? If environmentalists are truly concerned about methane emissions, ignore pumpkins. They should be focusing on the fact that ruminant animals (cows, sheep, deer, antelope, giraffes, etc.) are producing 250 to 500 liters of methane per day, according to the Journal of Animal Science.

With that much methane coming from one of the largest food sources in the world, pumpkins don’t even scratch the surface. If methane emissions are what’s going to kill the planet, pumpkins will be very, very low on the list of perpetrators.

Go ahead and buy your pumpkins and carve jack-o’-lanterns with the kids. Don’t cancel Halloween because of environmental hysteria and alarmism. Enjoy the loveliest of the fall vegetables.

Sure, encourage people to compost their pumpkins, use them in soup or feed the squirrels with the leftovers. That is genuinely better than throwing your pumpkin in the bin. But a pumpkin in the garbage is not going to kill the planet overnight.

Climate Financing Plan Won’t Help Climate, but Will Push Country to Totalitarianism: Experts

The Biden administration’s plan to impose a slew of financial regulations in order to counter climate change would end up having little impact on reducing global temperatures. But the measures would be quite effective at hurting economy, expanding government authority, and moving the country toward totalitarianism, according to several experts.

Biden’s plan, sketched out in a recent “roadmap” White House report, would infuse projections on climate change into decisions across the financial industry (pdf). Applying for a mortgage or other loans? The bank would consider the “climate risk” of underwriting it. Taking out an insurance? “Climate risk” would play into your premium. Putting money into a pension or investment fund? The fund managers would be free to consider “climate risk” in deciding where to invest your money. Buying stocks on your own? Public companies would need to divert part of their attention to explaining “climate risks” they face. Applying for a government contract? Prepare to justify your carbon footprint.

In some areas, the administration combines climate change with a lineup of other issues. The Labor Department, for example, plans to allow pension fund fiduciaries to consider “ESG”—environmental, social, and governance—criteria in investment decisions. Aside from “climate-related financial risk,” such criteria would also include “racial and economic justice considerations” and “sustainability.”

The Biden plan received praise from progressive environmental groups.

“The strategy released by the White House today lays critical groundwork for fulfilling President Biden’s promise to tackle the threats that climate change poses to our economy,” Sierra Club fossil-free finance campaign manager Ben Cushing said in an Oct. 15 statement.

Yet, estimating what changes in climate will or won’t cost to a particular business years into the future is far from exact science, the experts warned.

Impact on Global Temperatures?

While many climatologists agree that Earth’s changing climate will cause serious damage to people, such as through more severe weather events, the scientific modelling that guides their warnings offer a broad range of estimates that are based on a number of assumptions. Economists then make further assumptions on how these scenarios from climate models could affect the economy, and then how the economy would respond, followed by how the government would respond, and how the economy would respond to the government response etc.

“The evaluation of such ‘risks’ would be largely arbitrary given that the ‘correct’ assumptions are very far from obvious,” said Benjamin Zycher of pro-market think tank American Enterprise Institute, in Senate testimony earlier this year.

If companies are to perform a serious evaluation of such risks, “the level of detail and the scientific sophistication that would be needed to satisfy such a requirement” would lead to reports spanning “thousands of pages, with references to thousands more” and would still end up “deeply speculative,” he said.

David Burton of the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank predicted much the same regarding climate risk disclosures.

Companies would need to “develop climate modeling expertise, the ability to make macroeconomic projections based on these models, and then make firm-specific economic assessments based on these climate and economic models,” he said in a June letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Meanwhile, government regulators would need to develop capacity to police these disclosures. As of now, federal agencies engaged in financial regulation have nowhere near the expertise to tell genuine climate science from high-flown gobbledygook, both experts indicated.

“The premise that this ‘disclosure’ requirement would facilitate improved decision making by investors in the financial sector is difficult to take seriously,” Zycher said.

Chances are that companies won’t actually try to genuinely guess what their risks from climate may be, Zycher suggested.

“The Federal Reserve and financial institutions will be driven to adopt assumptions (or to retain consultants who will do so), minimizing the degree to which their analyses might subject them to political attacks, adverse regulatory actions, and litigation,” he said.

Companies are likely to adopt whatever climate effect assumptions are endorsed by the government, such as through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), he suggested.

“They thus will be led toward analytic homogeneity, yielding a very real danger of an artificial ‘consensus’ among financial institutions regardless of the actual evidence, and perhaps largely inconsistent with it,” he said.

The impact of all such efforts on climate, even in the most optimistic scenario, would amount to virtually nothing, he suggested.

“If we apply the Environmental Protection Agency climate model … net-zero U.S. GHG [greenhouse gas] emissions effective immediately would yield a reduction in global temperatures of 0.104 degrees C by 2100,” he said.

That’s not to say such measures would have no impact at all, however.

Cost of the Plan

Mandating all sorts of climate assessments would obviously cost money, the experts pointed out.

“There is little doubt that these costs will amount to billions of dollars,” Burton said. “The expenses associated with generating this verbiage will harm investors by reducing shareholder returns.”

The rules will produce a whole class of climate consultants and compliance specialists who will use part of their paychecks to lobby for continuance of the rules, he said.

Such rules would also make finance operations more opaque, the experts noted.

As of now, public companies already have to disclose all facts “material” to their business, which means facts likely to affect a reasonable investor’s decision to act or not to act. If climate risks are indeed material, there’s no need for new rules as companies are already obligated to disclose them, Burton said.

“A requirement, whether formal or informal, that climate ‘risks’ be incorporated into the business decisions of financial institutions would weaken the materiality standard for disclosures by those institutions,” he said.

Such disclosures would further insulate management of public companies from responsibility—an area where they’re already coming up short, he argued.

“In large, modern corporations, there is a separation of ownership and control. There is a major agent-principal problem because management and the board of directors often, to varying degrees, pursue their own interest rather than the interests of shareholders,” he said.

So far, management can usually get away with their behavior as long as it has kept the company in the black. Mandating climate disclosures would enable them to use progress toward “largely unquantifiable” climate goals as an excuse for worse financial performance, he said.

Political Power

The new rules would also be quite effective at making the government more totalitarian, several scholars noted.

“This is all about the application of political power,” said William Anderson, professor of economics at Frostburg State University in Maryland.

Climate Change Narrative Driven by Agenda of Political Control: Myron EbellCapitalism: How Capitalists Took the Word From Communists

He told The Epoch Times that the policy of stripping the oil industry, in particular, of capital would cause further disruptions to supply chains and cause worsening inflation, depressing Americans’ living standard. The government and political activists would then turn around and “blame capitalism.”

“It would take a while to turn the United States into Venezuela, but it can be done.”

Michael Rectenwald, former NYU professor and authority on corporate socialism, predicted the ESG disclosures would serve to signal one’s ideological compliance, similar to how shop owners in socialist countries would plaster their stores with political slogans, as described in the famous essay “Power of the Powerless” by former Czech President Václav Havel.

“Either don the right symbolics (the party slogans, or in this case, ESG index score) or face the consequences,” Rectenwald told The Epoch Times via email. “Incidentally, this accords with my arguments regarding what I have called ‘corporate socialism.’”

“While approved corporate ‘stakeholders’ are not necessarily monopolies, the effect of the ESG index is the vesting of as much capital in these corporations as possible, while eliminating producers deemed either unnecessary or inimical. ESG scores work to eliminate competition.”

Despite the administration’s talk of helping underprivileged communities, some of the experts pointed out that large corporations are the best positioned to deal with such climate regulations.

“There is no doubt that these rules will have a disproportionate adverse impact on small issuers since regulatory costs do not increase linearly with size,” Burton told The Epoch Times via email.

Just as the administration proceeds to pour trillions of debt dollars into the climate effort, many of the largest corporations are predicting a windfall from the climate push.

A 2018 survey of Fortune 500 companies by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) found the 81 American companies that provided financial estimates expected a total of less than $56 billion in physical losses from climate change, such as from more severe weather. They estimated another more than $54 billion in losses from “transition risk,” such as government regulations and changes in consumer behavior. Yet they expected more than $450 billion in climate-related “opportunities.” Even fuel companies predicted they’ll end up net beneficiaries of the climate push (pdf).

The Government Approach

Some experts indicated that it’s not just the specifics of Biden’s plan, but the whole idea of fighting climate change through government fiat that is misguided.

The government has a poor track record of addressing long-term problems such as climate change, said Mark Thornton, economist with the classical liberal Mises Institute.

“These are types of issues which are wholly unsuited to the political process,” he told The Epoch Times. “The market is really best suited to deal with this.”

He referred to an upcoming research paper looking at energy efficiency developments that shows “the inducement to energy efficiency was started with the oil crisis” of the 1970s and organically produced “very significant technical efficiency because it’s aimed at economic efficiency,” he said.

One the other hand, he said, the paper shows that “shorter term mandates have not been effective—that you’re putting in too many resources to get the types of results that you’re really trying to generate.”

Anderson concurred.

“How does the government work? It sets deadlines. It says, ‘Ok, by this year, we’re going to have this. We’re going to start moving resources this way.’ Well, economies don’t work like that.”

It well may be that electric cars, for example, will become cheaper than gas-powered ones, but it’s very expensive to push technology forward by mandate, Thornton noted. In fact, the mandate may redirect resources from a plethora of other innovation avenues that may offer an altogether different solution to cleaner transportation.

Government intervention also tends to work differently in practice than on paper, Thornton pointed out.

“Once you get these things started, we don’t know where they go, except they typically get worse,” he said.

The National Flood Insurance Program, for instance, was supposed to discourage people from building houses in flood-prone areas. In reality, it often does the opposite, subsidizing flood insurance for people who decide to live in a flood zone, according to a report by the left-leaning Brookings Institution. The government has spent tens of billions over the program’s existence since 1968 in major part to provide cheap flood insurance to well-off homeowners in coastal areas. A quarter of the explicitly subsidized policies went to vacation homes, one study found.

The same pitfalls would apply to attempts to plan the economy around the climate goals, Thornton suggested.

“We don’t have enough knowledge or information to know how all these things are going to work out.”

Biden’s climate finance plan “is a monument to that ignorance,” he said.

Biden Peddles Build Back Better Plan: ‘We Will Take, Literally, Millions of Automobiles off the Road’

Apparently, President Joe Biden’s so-called brilliant Build Back Better plan involves taking millions of cars off of American roads.

The president said as much on Wednesday as he addressed reporters regarding the hotly contested infrastructure bill and Build Back Better agenda.

According to Biden, the plan will spend “sixty-six billion dollars” funding passenger and freight trains.

This, Biden argues, will curb the climate crisis by taking cars off the road.

Biden: “We will take, literally, millions of automobiles off the road. Off the road.”

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) October 20, 2021

NIH Confirms It Funded Wuhan Gain-of-Function Research, Now Fauci Could Spend 5 Years in Jail

Apparently, with this plan, the Biden administration is actually taking cues from the Chinese Communist Party.

“You realize the Chinese are now building another high-speed rail line that will go up to 300 miles per hour? You say, ‘What difference does that make, Biden?’” Biden said according to a White House transcript of his remarks.

Does Biden actually care about stopping climate change?

“If you can get in a train and go from here to Washington much faster than you can go in an automobile, you take a train. You take the train.”

“We will take literally millions of automobiles off the road — off the road — saving tens of millions of barrels of oil, dealing with cleaning up the air.”

It seems odd that, in its plan to curb climate change, the Biden administration is taking cues from the world’s largest producer of carbon emissions.

Although, it makes sense considering the age-old maxim: When it comes to Communist regimes, the trains always run on time.

So, Biden thinks, why not follow in their footsteps?

Sure, the plan might see some success in urban areas, but for most Americans, travel by train is neither a feasible option nor a desirable one.

Over 100 GOP Reps: Biden’s $3.5 Trillion Bill Is a Death Blow to America’s Supply Chain

Americans want their freedom.

Biden, on the other hand, wants the exact opposite.

Despite what the left may tell you, the Build Back Better agenda is not about preventing climate change.

It’s about taking away Americans’ personal autonomy by asserting government control.

Biden doesn’t want you to own your own car.

He’d rather make you dependent on government-run transportation services.

That way, you can’t get anywhere without the government’s say so.

UN Climate Change Funding to Feed Corruption Gravy Train of Developing World

Longer look at climate history above; we are heading into a Grand Solar Minimum now [US Patriot]

The U.N. climate change conference in Glasgow (COP26) is great news for corrupt governments in the developing world because it looks set to transfer huge sums of money into their hands.

Dambisa Moyo, a Zambian-born economist, has long warned the West against sending aid to Africa because of the corruption it creates.

Moyo’s book “Dead Aid” explained how foreign aid produces terrible outcomes in the developing world, such as economic laziness, cultures of dependence, and rampant corruption. She argued aid was killing Africa.

Warnings by Moyo, and others, have helped reduce the flows of foreign aid to third world governments know to be kleptocracies. But that has simply meant corrupt governments have had to work harder to get the West to send them money.

How have they done this? The method that has been widely used is playing the guilt card or the victim card.

The guilt card tells Westerners they should feel guilty because European empires and colonialism allegedly exploited the third world. But, unfortunately, the Left has so widely propagated this anticolonial mythology that it is becoming almost impossible to have a sensible discussion about the age of imperialism.

The victim card tells Westerners that the developing world is full of poor and starving people because villainous Western capitalists exploit them. Unfortunately, this socialist myth has been sold to many well-meaning but naïve, liberals through journalists and celebrities, or by screening heart-wrenching and sensationalist television images.

Since well-meaning liberals lack personal experience of the third world, they have no reality against which to measure the myths fed to them by left-leaning media and educators.

Playing the guilt and victims cards have also been routinely used by leaders of multilateral organizations like the U.N. and WHO

More recently, we have also witnessed third world leaders increasingly using China’s Belt and Road initiative to turn the foreign aid tap back on. Today’s version of great power competition has seen Western countries handing out aid to try and stop developing countries from aligning with China.

Epoch Times Photo
Chinese leader Xi Jinping (R) with South African President Cyril Ramaphosa (L) attend the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation—Round Table Conference at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China, on Sept. 4, 2018. (Lintao Zhang/Getty Images)

Sadly, this sort of aid is especially likely to lead to corruption—just as it did during the Cold War.

But now we are facing a new explosion of third world corruption, caused this time by the way Greens have successfully mobilized the politics of climate change. If governments in Africa and Asia get their way, the Glasgow conference on climate change will transfer huge amounts of money into their hands.

With the Glasgow summit in mind, the South African government (known for its corruption) has promised to go beyond its Paris greenhouse gas targets.

But there is a catch—along with other third world elites, South Africa expects taxpayers in the West to pay them to implement their targets.

So we see the South African government, a well-known kleptocrat regime, brazenly asking the developed world to hand over to them $269 billion to pay for proposed decarbonization projects. The South African document lodged with the U.N. said “substantial multilateral support” would be required for measures such as “a very ambitious power sector investment plan.”

So Glasgow funds will be used to fix South Africa’s broken Eskom electricity supply system, plus fix the country’s catastrophic debt-repayment problem created by Eskom’s corruption and maladministration. Eskom has been unable to supply the country with enough electricity since 2007.

Further, ending the country’s energy crisis by building giant new power plants at Medupi and Kusile failed because of corruption, looting, and planning incompetence. Glasgow funds could fix all these problems, but it would also provide new corruption opportunities.

Effectively, the developing world is putting forward yet another neo-socialist wealth transfer scheme, but this one is dressed up in the language of saving the planet from climate change.

Epoch Times Photo
A woman holds a sign saying “climate change = mass murder” while people protest with a group called Extinction Rebellion in New York City on April 17, 2019. (Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

But the developing world says they will only help save the planet on condition that Western governments help them meet their Glasgow promises by transferring billions (if not trillions) of dollars from Western taxpayers to developing world elites so they can meet over-blown targets.

There are two problems with this. Firstly, the developing world has a record of poor governance, meaning these governments can seldom deliver on promises or targets. Even worse, developing world elites generally spend the foreign aid monies they receive to enrich themselves rather than to actually build the intended projects.

So the reality is, the U.N. climate change conference in Glasgow looks set to become just another mechanism to feed the corrupt gravy train that third world elites have been running for decades. Far from paying for green decarbonization projects, any wealth transfers flowing from Glasgow are more likely to end up buying four-wheel drives for the children of the third world elites.

To understand what is likely to happen to the $269 billion for climate change projects asked for by the South Africans, one only needs to look at what happened to their $4.3 billion COVID-19 relief funding from the IMF. One corrupt government Minister alone was involved in COVID-19 fraud valued at $10 million, while other politicians and African National Congress-aligned cronies looted another $700 million out of PPE funds.

If South Africa’s elite were even prepared to steal from funds geared to saving lives by fixing a health system shattered by COVID-19, imagine what they would do with climate change aid (where no lives are at stake).

By bringing together third world elites carrying begging bowls with Western greens which are willing to be taken advantage of, the U.N. climate change summit seems almost certain to deliver a bonanza for all those corrupt elites with a legacy of running gravy trains.

But this still begs the question; will Western governments ever learn?

The Chinese Communist Party is Behind a U.S. ‘Climate Change’ Activism Conference.

Next time you see a climate change protest in the news, be aware it may be backed by the Chinese Communist Party.

Chinese Communist Party-linked foreign influence group sponsored a climate change conference seeking to mobilize youth advocates in America, the National Pulse can reveal.

Fund Real News

The entity sponsoring the recent conference, the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), is part of Beijing’s “United Front” effort, which the U.S. government identifies as seeking to “to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to the policies and authority of its ruling Chinese Communist Party” and “influence foreign governments to take actions or adopt positions supportive of Beijing.”

CUSEF’s website notes that it “sponsored” the Sino-American Youth Dialogue on Climate Change, carried out in collaboration with two schools: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Tsinghua University.

“Co-hosted by Tsinghua University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Sino-American Youth Dialogue on Climate Change (SAYD) will be held in October 8, a month prior to COP26. The aim of the event is to offer a platform for young people from China and the U.S. to put forward ideas and suggestions for the COP26 to address climate change and sustainable development,” CUSEF explains before posing the following questions to attendees:

In Trump Time: Peter Navarro

What should governments do to confront climate emergency?

How should businesses develop sustainability strategies to achieve net zero emissions?

What are the actions that we, as individuals, could do to reduce wastage and gas emissions?

The conference explicitly seeks to mobilize youth activists, as its theme is “making carbon neutral, youth in action.”

“Through discussions and sharing among youth delegates and field experts, the forum hopes to reach consensus on the issue and form valuable policy recommendations,” the conference’s website adds.

Get On Gettr

Fauci Congratulates Wuhan Collaborator On ‘Deserved’ Xi Jinping Award.

Among the event’s speakers were CUSEF founder Tung Chee-hwa, Chinese Communist Party officials, and presidents from both MIT and Tsinghua University. Tsinghua University’s involvement in the conference also follows the school reportedly launching cyberattacks against the U.S. government and having a “clear connection” to the Chinese government on issues of technology and national security according to the U.S. State Department.

The school is the alma mater of regime leader Xi Jinping and hosts a “Marxist” journalism school, training the next generation of Chinese state-run media propagandists with the assistance of the New York Times, CNN, and others.

“We should be committed to a firm and correct political orientation. Our School has been actively exploring the theory and practices of Marxist Journalism, namely, to applying the Marxist theory in observing the world, selecting and handling news production,” the dean’s introduction letter reads.

Biden EPA’s Purge of Industry Representatives Violated Federal Law: Lawsuit

The Environmental Protection Agency failed to follow federal law when it purged industry representatives from two advisory panels, a lawsuit filed Thursday alleges.

Michael Regan, a President Joe Biden nominee, was sworn in as the administrator of the agency, known as the EPA, on March 11. Twenty days later, he removed every member of two panels, totaling 54 people.

“Resetting these two scientific advisory committees will ensure the agency receives the best possible scientific insight to support our work to protect human health and the environment,” Regan said at the time. An internal 2017 directive prohibited scientists who received EPA research grants from serving on the panels. That prevented qualified officials from serving on the panels and thus restricted eligibility for membership, Regan alleged, pointing in part to a watchdog review (pdf) of the process that uncovered irregularities to the nominations.

Regan himself, though, violated the law when conducting the purge, Stanley Young, one of the members, asserted in the new filing through lawyers.

None of the 54 members are affiliated with industries the EPA regulates. That means the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee and the Science Advisory Board are not “fairly balanced,” which is required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), attorneys Brett Shumate and Joseph Falvey of Jones Day wrote.

The EPA regulates industries including manufacturing, mining, and healthcare.

“This ‘purge’ and the subsequent reconstitution of the board and the committee violated FACA and its implementing regulations. The committees are now unfairly balanced—both in terms of points of view and the functions the committees are required to perform—because they lack a single member affiliated with regulated industries,” the suit says.

“EPA also failed to adopt appropriate measures to ensure that the committees are protected from inappropriate influence. The new committees are subject to inappropriate influence because they are stacked with academics who are financially beholden to EPA through multi-million dollar research grants,” it states.

The suit was filed in federal court in Washington.

It asks the court to hold that EPA and Regan violated federal law and to halt panel proceedings until the memberships are constituted lawfully.

The EPA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

As Border Hemorrhages, DHS Releases ‘Climate Action Plan,’ Which Must Be ‘Accepted and Embraced’ by Employees

( – Never mind the hundreds of thousands of unvetted foreigners breaching the southwest U.S. border, leaving environmental degradation in their wake.

The Department of Homeland Security is worried about climate change. And all DHS employees are expected to fall in line with those concerns. In fact, they’ll be educated about the “climate crisis.”

On Thursday, DHS released a new Climate Action Plan that presents five “priority actions,” including a “DHS-wide climate education plan to raise awareness among our employees about the climate crisis.”

DHS admits that getting all employees to buy into the left’s version of climate change will be a challenge: “The Department must reach all employees to foster a workforce of understanding and compassion and ensure climate literacy is accepted and embraced,” the plan says.

And it sounds like there may be a test: “The Department will monitor progress in climate literacy through employee training and will measure employee understanding of climate change impacts and environmental justice,” the plan says.

The DHS Climate Action Plan runs 25 pages and is full of government-speak.

Priority Action #5, the climate “literacy” effort, indicates that DHS employees are expected to accept climate change dogma, as presented by leftists, without question or exception:

“Understanding, mitigating, and adapting to climate change and its impacts require cooperation across every level of DHS,” the plan says.

“DHS is committed to creating and growing a climate literate workforce that understands the principles of climate change, can assess scientifically credible information about climate, can communicate about climate change in a meaningful way, and is able to make informed decisions about climate change impacts on mission activities.”

DHS says it will create a “National Security and Climate Honors Program” to give students and recent graduates an opportunity to help DHS adapt to climate change. “DHS will aggressively pursue strategies to ensure a diverse applicant pool, to include applicants from underserved communities…”

The plan says: “Without adequate climate literacy training for employees and stakeholders, the Department risks developing infrastructure, management decisions, and project designs that do not sufficiently integrate climate resilience, environmental justice, and gender and racial equity considerations.”

The phrase “environmental justice” crops up several times, as follows: “The climate literacy curriculum will be innately tied to environmental and climate justice.”

And: “The DHS Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties will collaborate with Department subject matter experts and stakeholders to enhance climate literacy and its intersections with environmental justice in DHS federally assisted programs.”

At a time when government schools are forcing critical race theory on unwilling students and parents, this DHS “climate literacy” effort bears watching.

Here are the other four “priority actions” identified by DHS in its Climate Action Plan:

— Ensuring climate-ready services and supplies…to secure supplies of food, medicine, energy, and other vital resources.

— Creating climate-resilient facilities and infrastructure, including by aiming to electrify 50 percent of the DHS vehicle fleet by 2030.

— Making sure “climate change considerations are appropriately incorporated” in all DHS planning and processes and mission areas;

— Incorporating climate adaptation into national preparedness and community grants and projects…to provide incentives for state, local, tribal, and territorial governments to adopt modern, disaster-resistant building codes.

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The Myth That the Polar Bear Population Is Declining

The story of a resurgent polar bear population deserves to be told and applauded.

Many of us watched the viral video in horror. A starving polar bear scavenging for food on barren land, his ribs visible beneath a jaundiced white coat.

“This is what climate change looks like,” said National Geographic.

The magazine explained that because of melting sea ice, precipitated by climate change, more of these mammals are starving. They pointed to a new study in Science suggesting that polar bears require much greater caloric intake in their diet than previously believed.

The video, shot by photographers Paul Nicklen and Cristina Mittermeier on Somerset Island, sparked outcry over the decimation of polar bears due to global warming.

The footage was viewed by 2.5 billion people, National Geographic estimated. The video remains the most viewed on National Geographic’s website—ever.

While many remember the footage of the polar bear, fewer are aware of what followed.

As Michele Moses recently explained in The New Yorker, scientists accused National Geographic of “being loose with the facts.” There was no evidence, many pointed out, that the bear’s condition was the result of climate change. The bear simply could have been old, ill, or suffering from a degenerative disease.

Mittermeier admitted as much a year later.

“I can’t say that this bear was starving because of climate change,” she wrote in National Geographic. 


Mittermeier was looking for visual evidence of the future she imagined, one ravaged by climate change. And she found it that day in a starving bear.

As Moses of The New Yorker points out, polar bears have become an “indisputable image of climate change.”

“The story of climate change has been told, in part, through pictures of polar bears,” Moses writes. “And no wonder: in their glittering icy habitat, they reflect the otherworldly beauty that rising temperatures threaten to destroy.”

That picture of a single starving bear arguably did more to advance the issue of climate change than any white paper or IPCC report could have. Unfortunately, the footage tells us relatively little about the actual state of the polar bear population.

While you’ll find no shortage of headlines declaring that polar bears face extinction, the numbers tell a different story.

The State of the Polar Report 2018 put the new global mid-point estimate [of the polar bear population] at more than 30,000.

Data from conservation groups and the government show that the polar bear population is roughly five times what it was in the 1950s and three or four times what it was in the 1970s when polar bears became protected under international treaty.

In fact, though polar bears were placed under the protection of the Endangered Species Act in 2008 over concerns that its Arctic hunting grounds were being reduced by a warming climate, the polar bear population has been stable for the last three decades.

In 1984, the polar bear population was estimated at 25,000. In 2008, when polar bears were designated a protected species, The New York Times noted that number remained unchanged: “There are more than 25,000 bears in the Arctic, 15,500 of which roam within Canada’s territory.”

New estimates from the International Union for Conservation of Nature show a mid-point estimate of 26,500 (range: 22,000 to 31,000) in 2015. In The State of the Polar Report 2018, zoologist Susan J. Crockford says updates to IUCN data put the new global mid-point estimate at more than 30,000.

Even accepting the lower figure, the estimate is the highest since the polar bear became internationally protected in 1973.

The health of the polar bear population runs counter to predictions from scholars who have said two-thirds of polar bears will disappear in coming decades because of warming temperatures and melting sea ice in the Arctic.

The good news that polar bears are thriving is unlikely to draw as much attention as images of a starving polar bear scrounging for food on Somerset Island. Nevertheless, the story of a resurgent polar bear population deserves to be told and applauded.

Jon Miltimore
Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune.

The Myth That the Polar Bear Population Is Declining – Self-Reliance Central (

Illinois Dem Pushes for ‘Clean Energy’ Subsidies That Would Pad His Pocket

Sean Casten calls for $273 billion in ‘tax credits for clean energy’ without disclosing his investment in industry

Illinois Democratic representative Sean Casten has urged Congress to spend billions of dollars on “tax credits for clean energy.” Excluded from his pitch is any mention of his ownership stake in an alternative energy company that would benefit from such spending.

Casten on Monday joined environmental advocates at a “Climate Action Now” rally, imploring his House colleagues to pass President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending plan with “no compromises” on subsidies and incentives for the alternative energy sector. Casten did not divulge his vested financial interest in those provisions.

According to Casten’s latest financial disclosure, the Democrat holds an ownership stake in Greenleaf Power, a self-described “leading provider of renewable energy in North America.” The company, its website states, sells carbon-neutral electricity to “municipal, public power, and investor owned utilities.” Biden’s multitrillion-dollar bill, meanwhile, Includes a $150 billion program to compel electric and municipal power providers to purchase more renewable energy.

The value of Casten’s stake in Greenleaf is unclear. While the Democrat Reported holding up to $500,000 in the company in 2019, his 2020 financial disclosure asserts that the asset holds no value, even though Casten earned up to $2,500 in interest income that year. Casten did not return multiple requests for comment on the discrepancy. The revelation could undermine Casten’s Charge to “prioritize climate action at the scale science demands” in Biden’s spending plan. The Democrat has Argued Explicitly for $273 billion in “tax credits for clean energy” without acknowledging his alternative energy investments. Casten has also aligned with liberals to attack partymates who oppose the spending, including Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.). 

“We’re trying to drive a car into the future,” Casten said during a Tuesday MSNBC Interview. “With all due respect to Mr. Manchin, until we’re lining up to take off the emergency brake this car ain’t driving very fast. It’s certainly not driving as fast as it needs to, and that’s the pressure we as Democrats have to keep focused on.”

Casten’s spokeswoman, Emilia Rowland, Confirmed on Tuesday that the Democrat still holds an ownership stake in Greenleaf but added that he “has no control, managerial or otherwise” over the company. The financial disclosures, however, alarmed government ethics watchdogs. Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust executive director Kendra Arnold said disclosure of lawmakers’ financial interests in the legislation they advocate is essential.

“Whether or not [Casten] makes $5,000 or $25,000 off of a company in a year doesn’t matter. It’s his potential to change the law in order to make more money from something he owns,” Arnold told the Washington Free Beacon. “In this case, it’s always important to note for constituents if he’s sponsoring legislation, if he’s talking about specific legislation that would directly benefit something he does have an ownership stake in—that’s where our conflict of interest rules come up.”

In addition to Greenleaf, Casten owns an up to $15,000 stake in GOE Capital Partners, a Minnesota-based “waste recycling and green energy company,” his 2020 financial disclosure shows.

Casten’s pledge to secure funding and subsidies for alternative energy in Biden’s $3.5 trillion bill may lead him to oppose the president’s bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill. Casten Reportedly indicated he is leaning toward voting against the bipartisan bill if the House does not simultaneously take up the multitrillion-dollar spending proposal.

A who’s who of liberal lawmakers have already committed to the strategy, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.), Pramila Jayapal (D., Wash.), and Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.).

Illinois Dem Pushes for ‘Clean Energy’ Subsidies That Would Pad His Pocket (