Sat. May 11th, 2024

They just tried to kill me!

This isn’t hyperbole. Someone just tried to “SWAT” me by calling 911 at 1 in the morning and say that I’m waving a gun, holding people hostage, etc. Anything to get the SWAT teams deployed to my home and hope that I get killed in the process.

Are you ready for the reason? Because I dared stand up against the mutilation of our children under the guise of “transgender rights.”

Thankfully, the local police Department didn’t fall for it and the attack on my life was thwarted.

But that shows how desperate the Left is in their efforts to get me out of Congress. They’re willing to see me killed to stop me from investigating Hunter Biden and impeaching the Big Guy.

I WON’T BE INTIMIDATED! But continuing to campaign with a price on my head means I need you to chip in $25, $50, or $100 to help as I must bear the additional costs to ensure the safety of my family and me as I continue my efforts to expose the radical left and their attempts to destroy our nation!

Let me tell you, this wasn’t just a schoolkid prank. People have died from SWATting.

That’s the whole goal – they hope police will think there is a gunman in that home and will shoot the victim before Law Enforcement realizes it was a hoax.

But that’s where we are right now in our country. I shouldn’t be surprised.

Assassinating your opponents is the next logical step for a Marxist dictatorship.

We’ve already seen Biden weaponize the FBI to raid President Trump’s home and seize the phone of a Freedom Caucus member. Is murdering your political enemies that far off?

That’s how desperate Biden and the Left are to get me out of their way. They’re trembling in their jackboots worried about what I will uncover in Hunter’s laptop, his secret dealings with China, and just how much money went to the Big Guy.

But the only way we can end Biden’s tyranny is to ensure I win this November and am alive long enough to see justice brought against Biden’s criminal enterprise. Donate $50, $100, or $250 TODAY and help make that happen!

Listen, I’ve been attacked in every way possible. RINOs recruited a candidate against me in the primary. Leftists are pouring millions into my Democrat opponent’s war chest, and they even filed a lawsuit to kick me off the ballot.

Now add literal murder to the long list of ways they’re coming after me, and you realize that you’re my only hope for victory in November.

Because the only way Biden and the Left are going to stop the attacks, both political and physical, is to show them that America First conservatives like you won’t tolerate their thuggery.

This is your “go big or go home” moment.

Help me stand up to the Leftist mob out to get me in any way possible with your $100, $500, or $1,000 donation today.

Do you believe in what I’m fighting for? Do you believe that taking back control of Congress is paramount to saving America from the Marxist onslaught? Then it’s time to go big.

Make no mistake, I’m enemy number 1 to the RINOs, Leftists, and the Deep State.

Please pray for me.

Please pray for my family.

Please pray for our safety.

Please pray for Donald Trump.

Please pray for our country.

And then help me save America by fighting back against the leftist mobs!

Thank you. God Bless America.

Marjorie Taylor Greene
Congresswoman (R-GA)

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