Mon. Jun 3rd, 2024

Good Thursday morning.

Here is what’s on 46 agenda today:

9:30am: The President receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

1pm: The President attends the Senate Democratic Caucus Lunch

News roundup:
Biden’s EPA Has Already Poured Nearly $1 Billion Into Climate Grants This Year
Taiwan says 25 Chinese planes, 3 ships sent toward island
Sanders schedules vote to force Starbucks CEO to testify
Baltimore to pay $6M in latest police misconduct settlement
School forced to close after donors pull funding over LGBTQ language
New York City to pay record settlement to George Floyd protesters
Company cuts insulin prices by up to 70%
Intel review says “very unlikely” foreign adversary responsible for ‘Havana Syndrome’
TikTok puts 60-minute limit in place for teens
The FAA is investigating more alarming airplane near-disasters
16 million households lose Covid-era boosts to food aid. 3 charts show who will hurt the most
GM cutting hundreds of white collar jobs
American College of OB-GYNs bans pro-life doctors from conference: ‘Vague explanation’
Semafor partners with think tank linked to Chinese Communist Party
Sen. Mike Lee suspended by Twitter, ‘seeking answers’
Germany presents new feminist foreign policy
China is buying up more U.S. farmland. Some lawmakers consider that a security threat
Activist who allegedly faked racial identity resigns from social justice group
Family raises 250-pound ‘dog’ for 2 years — then realizes it’s a bear
Roald Dahl books editor’s ‘woke’ consultants were all under 30, had ‘non-binary, anarchist’ project manager
China slams COVID lab-leak theory, accuses FBI of ‘politicizing’ issue
DeSantis is championing medical freedom. GOP state lawmakers like what they see.
DeSantis may remove another Florida prosecutor from office
Cindy McCain tapped as head of World Food Program
Ted Cruz Grills AG Garland Over Politicization Of Justice Department
Red State Passes Bill Aimed At Protecting Religious Liberty
Florida Teacher Reportedly Had White Students Bow Down To Black Students
Mississippi Becomes Seventh State To Outlaw Sex Change Surgeries for Minors
We’re a Target for Criminals’: Atlanta Neighborhood Pushes To Secede From City Over Rampant Crime
Labor unions say East Palestine cleanup site workers are falling ill
Tesla to build next plant in Mexico
Paul Ryan grilled over position on Fox board of directors
Rich Los Angeles residents buying expensive guard dogs to ward off criminals
68% of voters say Biden is ‘too old for another term,’ new poll finds
Senate kills Biden’s ‘woke’ ESG investment rule in bipartisan vote
Liz Cheney lands new gig with University of Virginia as she mulls 2024 White House run
RFK killer Sirhan Sirhan denied parole
Republicans say Biden FAA nominee is ‘not qualified’ for the job
Congress Calls for Sanctions on Iran’s Parliament
Democratic Governors Do Big Pharma’s Bidding By Going After Key Drug Discount Program

And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!

SOURCE: American Greatness

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