Sun. May 12th, 2024

To WOAI-TV in San Antonio, Texas, the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge’s appearance at the Del Rio International Bridge migrant camp in order to hand out food to illegal immigrants, mostly from Haiti, was a sob story.

Headline: “EXCLUSIVE: Group of Americans go through extreme measures to help Haitian migrants.” The outlet mentioned that some people call the group controversial, but the majority of the report focused on Border Patrol turning them away at Del Rio.

The group’s 12-vehicle caravan ended up going into Mexico through Eagle Pass.

“We got together in San Antonio went to Costco and Sams, got food, water, diapers, and toiletries. We went to Del Rio, when we got there, Border Patrol told us we could only give it to a church,” group member Yatazaq Ban Yahawadah said. “We told them we did not want to do that because the people are not at a church, they are under a bridge.”

“We came around through the Mexico side, now we are in Mexico to give our brothers the resources we have for them,” he added.

The report from WOAI’s Yami Virgin again mentioned that the group was controversial, but not why. That’s somewhat important, because the ISUPK is considered an extremist group by the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, among others.

The ISUPK is one of a number of groups that believe black people and other people of color are “true Israelites” and that Jews are imposters. Unless you live in a major city and have been subject to the group’s incessant sidewalk proselytizing, the last time you probably thought about the movement was the Nick Sandmann case, where a black Israelite’s hate-preaching was a catalyst for the events of that day.

As Breitbart noted, the SPLC — usually considered the gold standard in determining hate groups by the media despite its raging leftist bias — deems the ISUPK and similar groups to be anti-Semitic, homophobic and racist.

“The [Black Hebrew Israelite] hate groups listed by the SPLC believe in ideas of black supremacy and bigotry against Caucasians, Jews and members of the LGBTQ community. They believe that, as members of the 12 Tribes of Israel — consisting only of African Americans, Hispanics and Native Americans — they are God’s ‘chosen people.’ Jews are considered ‘imposters,’” the SPLC’s write-up reads.

“Caucasians and members of the LGBTQ community are deemed ‘devils.’ Extreme Black Hebrew Israelites believe that individuals outside the movement are deserving of slavery or death. The most numerous of the BHI groups in the United States are under the banners of Israel United in Christ, the Israelite School of Universal Practical Knowledge and Great Millstone.”

The ADL also notes the “ISUPK sells clothing under the brand UPKFRESH. Their products include a t-shirt depicting a slave ship and the Middle Passage of the slave trade with the words ‘True Holocaust.’”

Black ‘Extremist’ Group Appears at Texas Border Bridge Camp with Food for Migrants via @BreitbartNews

— Bob Price (@BobPriceBBTX) September 24, 2021

Charming. That’s more than just generic-label “controversial,” as WOAI’s report indicated.

Photographer Behind Photos of Border Agents on Horseback Blows Massive Hole in Establishment Media, Biden Narrative

They may look like street preachers dressed in outfits professional wrestlers would turn down for being too outlandish, but keep in mind this is can be an extremist ideology that spreads hate. Lest we forget, Black Hebrew Israelites were behind a 2019 anti-Semitic shooting spree in Jersey City, New Jersey, which killed four people, three of them in a kosher supermarket.

The WOAI report, meanwhile, did little but lionize the ISUPK.

Here’s another quote from Yahawadah, when asked about traveling through an area of Mexico that’s subject to a level 4 warning for violence by the State Department: “Being in a dangerous situation that is being black, Hispanic or Native American. Our lives are dangerous, we live in the most dangerous communities, we live in the worst dangerous conditions.”

There were no questions about motives involved. There’s been a border crisis going on for months now. You would think it might occur to local media to ask a black nationalist group known for hate-preaching why its members decided to show up for Haitian migrants when they hadn’t gotten involved previously.

Rest assured, if the Proud Boys showed up with supplies for anyone, no matter what their race, the headline wouldn’t be “EXCLUSIVE: Group of Americans go through extreme measures to help [insert group here].” This isn’t a complaint, mind you; that’s what media is supposed to do.

An extremist group known for aggressive proselytizing shouldn’t be given a chance to use the chaos at the border as an opportunity to spread its message under the auspices of providing food and supplies to migrants. If it is, local media shouldn’t be amplifying it. Period.

Report: Black Extremist Group Seizing Opportunity Amid Chaos at Southern Border (

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