Mon. May 20th, 2024

If you’ve recently wondered what former President Barack Obama has been up to, do I have news for you. 

In between throwing lavish parties for his friends, Obama has been producing and starring in a Netflix series with Hollywood actor Adam Connover of the popular internet series, Adam Ruins Everything. 

It appears that Obama’s publicists are trying to rebuild his public image after the many failures of his presidency, such as arming the Mexican drug cartels through Operation Fast and Furious, accidently bombing civilian weddings abroad with drone strikes, and vastly growing the size of the federal government.

The series, The G Word with Adam Connover, is a tribute to big government. In the opening scene, Obama is having a conversation with Adam while doing his own taxes in his home office (as if the former president actually files his own taxes). In a condescending tone, he says that he “likes doing his own taxes” and that “taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society”. 

The episode blames capitalism and limited government for various societal issues, blatantly disregarding the fact that it is almost always big-government bureaucrats who are to blame. They go so far as to praise the USDA’s stranglehold on meat processing facilities across the country as a benefit to society. 

However, at the very end of the series, in the very last episode, Obama gets it right. He confidently makes the point that the local level is where individuals can make the most impact. He even illustrates that point by describing how easy it is to take over district attorney elections in small communities to support a Marxist agenda. 

In one of the last scenes, Adam is at a ‘Resist’ Rally in Philadelphia. 

Adam highlights two young men who worked on the Bernie Sanders for President campaign who are now both members of the Pennsylvania legislature and deciding Pennsylvania state laws!

These radicals talk about all of the changes they are able to make on the local level. They learned how to engage in the political process with tactics like canvassing and door knocking on the Bernie Sanders for President campaign, and now they have taken over Pennsylvania State House seats.

The point Obama is making, and the point politicians like him have proven, is that state legislatures are where individuals can make a real impact – and Obama is right!

If the era of pandemic tyranny has shown us anything, it is that our local leaders – often state-level leaders – are the people who imposed these oppressive restrictions like banning worship, preventing Americans from being able to work, and instituting intrusive mask and vaccine mandates. 
You and I realized this early on. That is why Young Americans for Liberty started Operation Win at the Door in 2018 with the express purpose of electing 250 liberty legislators across the country by the end of 2022 – this year.

Making a Real Change in America
Click on the link above to see the real impact you and I are creating across the country. 

Through this program, YAL-recruited activists knock doors for principled, liberty candidates across the country who are set on limiting the size and scope of government. To date, YAL activists have elected 174 liberty candidates to state legislatures across the country and this year alone have knocked doors for 55 additional candidates who won their primaries with safe general election races. 

This year our trained activists are knocking on over 2 million doors in key districts across the country. We have a once in a generation opportunity to radically shift the direction of our country. 

Now, more than ever, you and I can’t let up. 

Consider supporting our crucial effort as our trained activists knock on over 2 million doors to turn out the vote this year. 

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