Sun. May 5th, 2024

I thank God that Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey were overturned this morning.

Those decisions were disastrous for America and led to the slaughter of over 60 million American babies.

America is one of only four countries in the world that have allowed for barbaric late-term abortion laws, and the company we’ve kept over these last few decades is embarrassing. The other three countries are Canada, North Korea and China.

That says enough.

While six bold justices overturned Roe, our fight is just beginning, and we have to fill the ranks of Congress and our state legislatures with men and women who value life and are strong enough to stand up to the unhinged Left as they go on the attack.

I am one of those fighters who stands for LIFE, and I will NEVER back down from that position.

Help me get to Congress today.

As a woman, my “reproductive rights” are not infringed by this decision as the Left wants us to believe. It’s pretty damn simple . . . if a woman doesn’t want a child, don’t engage in activities that will get you pregnant!

The feminists on the Left are filled with hate and rage, but there’s a reason for that. There’s a saying that when a person does not have the courage to face their shame, that shame turns to anger.

Advocating for the murder of children is shameful. And the Left will never face their shame.

The Left dehumanizes children by promoting abortion on demand, while at the same time having the audacity to advocate for unconstitutional gun control laws, by invoking the names and faces of children killed in school shootings.

Make no mistake . . . the LEFT loves dead kids and loves killing children, because without dead kids, the Democrat Party knows that law-abiding Americans would never buy into their radical, unconstitutional, and pro-death legislation which includes stripping Americans of their Second Amendment rights, and legalizing late-term abortion.

The Democrat Party pretends that late-term abortions don’t occur, and they lie and say that children in the womb cannot feel pain as their bodies are ripped apart, limb-by-limb.

It’s disgraceful and shameful.

But, if you get me to Congress, I will make the Leftists face their shame! Help me do that today by donating before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to have your donation TRIPLE MATCHED.

Our fight is JUST beginning, and the Democrat Party will use this decision to try and sway the upcoming Midterm Elections in their favor.

It won’t work as long as we stand our ground and send fighters to Washington.

With just six days left until the end of the fundraising quarter, please donate as much as you can today to help me FIGHT for you, your family, America, and the unborn.

Thanks again for all that you do.

Laura Signature
Laura Loomer

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